Ultimate 3D Character Controller
Ultimate Player Controller:
Designed and Developed by Trajan W Hickman
Every action can be edited and turned on/off. Player too fast? Slow it down. You only want it to walk? Turn off the other actions. Look at the attached screenshots to view the V1 actions! With the downloaded version of this controller you can create any player controller system to fit any game you might ever make.
Take full control with this Ultimate Player Controller, offering a powerful set of movement mechanics for a seamless and immersive gameplay experience. This advanced controller provides fluid motion across a variety of moves, from simple walking and crouching to dynamic grappling and ground-pounding. With an intuitive setup, it’s perfect for players who crave flexibility and responsiveness.
- Movement: WASD
- Sprint: Left Shift
- Jump: Spacebar (tap twice for double jump)
- Crouch: C
- Ground Pound: Left CTRL (in air)
- Slide: Shift + C
- Dash: Left Alt
- Fly: F
- Toggle Ghost Mode: G (when flying)
- Grab/Throw: G
- Switch Perspective: P
- Lean/Camera Tilt: Q/E
- Grapple/Grapple Grab: Left Mouse
- Cling Ropes: Right Mouse (click then drag release)
- Cling Ropes work with Rigidbody to Static connections (or vice versa). Click on Rigid Object, drag/aim where you want it to go, and release.
- Delete Ropes: Middle Mouse Button
- Zippy Ropes: Right Mouse (click then drag release)
- Zippy ropes work with Static to Static connections. Click on Rigid Object, drag/aim where you want it to go, and release.
Toggleable Features:
- Complete & Customizable Movement Suite: Walk, sprint, crouch, and slide your way through environments with ease, thanks to finely tuned physics that adapt to each movement. Download and perfect the easy to toggle settings and sliders to get the feel just right for your game!
- Togglable Advanced Jumping Mechanics: Includes regular jumps, double jumps, wall jumps, and wall slides, letting you navigate complex spaces with finesse.
- Dash & Slide System: Quick dashes for a burst of speed and controlled slides for sliding through tight spots with precision can be toggled on and off to suit your games setting and needs.
- Grappling Hook Action: Grapple and swing with smooth physics that keep you in control, whether pulling yourself to points or swinging across large gaps. Grab objects to pull them to you.
- ClingRopes: Stick physics objects to different places, grab them and create new ways to travel or swing.
- Ground Pound Impact: Slam down with a powerful ground pound, creating an explosive impact and adding force to the world around you.
- Grab & Throw: Interact with objects by grabbing and throwing them, complete with chargeable throw force for strategic basketball-like tossing.
- Responsive Visual Feedback: Customizable head obstruction rays, ground snapping visuals, and raycasting visuals make interactions intuitive in the unity viewport.
Master each move in this flexible controller system, perfect for games where movement and precision are key.
Changes with latest update:
- Added: 3RD person camera mode and respective preset settings.
- Added: CAMERA TOGGLES; added new toggles which allow the user to toggle on and off every camera effect applied to the camera. (breating, bobbing, sway, fov effect, etc.)
- Added: Camera Tilt/Lean: Player can now tilt by pressing Q/E respectivley.
- Added: BOBBING/SWAY MULTIPLIER; added a multiplier to easily increase the amount of bob/sway when moving with the player. (Will be used later for stamina and other setting menu items).
- Added: PRESET SYSTEM; users can now create 'presets' to control every piece of movement value/toggle among all scripts attatched to the charater. This allows a consise 'settings' like system within the inspector as opposed to the previous version where one had to flip between game objects and scripts.
- Added: OMNIMOVEMENT TOGGLE; new toggle to allow user to limit/allow certain types of sliding/sprinting when it comes to player movement.
- Added: DASH TOGGLES; Dash to camera option which will make the player dash in the direction and angle of the camera. Only dash forward option which will make the player only dash forward. Both operate reguardless of player input.
- Added: INCREASABLE JUMPS & DASHES; users can now increase the number of jumps and/or dashes allowed before the character must be grounded (or wall jump if corect settings enabled) .
- Added: SLIDE BOB; reused snipped of landing bob that is applied upon landing from being ungrounded. A camera bob effect will now play going into the slide. (this happened before but was an unintentional consequence of the landing bob, it is now under control)
- Added: CLIMBING; users can now climb walls tagged as 'climbable'. Other settings in climbing allow for overal control of what objects are climbable or if all objects are, if the player can climb at all, if the player can LURCH (jump climb up the wall), if the player can VAULT EDGES (pull up onto ledges).
- Added: ZIPPY ROPES; added a new feature to the grappling system which now allows the player to attach 2 non-rigidbody objects with a ZIPPY ROPE which will pull any rigidbody object from one end to the other.
- Added: GRAPPLE ROPE COLORS; added colors to help differentiate the different rope types
- Added: CAN GRAPPLE TO CLINGED OBJECTS; a new toggle that makes CLINGED OBJECTS static, allowing the user to pull themselves to it.
-Added: SLINGSHOT; users can now slingshot CLINGED OBJECTS by grapple grabbing them, pulling them, and releasing them. Does not work if CLINGED OBJECTS are GRAPLEABLE.
- Added: SOLID CLINGROPES; per a toggle CLING ROPES can now be made solid and allow the player to walk on them like a spider on a web.
- Added: REQUIRED ROPES FOR SLINGSHOT; a new float variable that allows the user to control how many clingropes an object must be connected to be operate as a valid slingshot.
- Added: MOVE OBJECTS; Teleporter, escalators, trampolines, and boost ramps are now laid around the map for the player to use.
- Fixed: CLING ROPE; static to rigidbody connections that generate CLINGROPES now show the generated rope. The rope will now work as intended.
- Fixed: WALL SNAPPING; bug where player would snap to wall even when wall slide or related toggles are off is now fixed.
- Fixed: Made all grapple options take to Time.Delta time and made them FPS independent.
- Fixed: CROUCH HOPPING; crouching will now more rarely cause the player to leave the ground.
- Made everything based on DeltaTime so game will play the same accross devices and frame rates (Itch still acts weird)
- Removed: Camera switching. No current perspective changing.
- Removed: GROUND SNAPPING; on accident
- Mouse Locking: Mouse does not auto lock into game window on game start even though the cusor is black.
Momentum pounding now triggers a speed boost based upon a changable multiplier to ensure the effect happens every time.
- FIXED: Bipolar Momentum pounding: The code is like a woman when trying to decide if it wants to smash. (The momentum pounding for some unknown reason decides to not work)
- Grapple Skipping: If you jump then grapple to the floor far away you can move really fast. (Will make this a toggleable feature.)
Objects must now be clung to other objects, the two ends of clingropes cannot connect to the same one object.
- FIXED: Self Cling: Similar to Baby Zippies, Rigidbody objects (physics objects) can be clinged to themselves which has weird effects.
- FIXED: Cling Rope Pushing: Cling ropes when two rigid/physics object are connected will always cause one to indefinitley push the other.
Added a new variable to allow for a minimum clingrope requirement when slingshotting objects. Objects that are clingroped but do not have the minimum number of rope connections will just be pulled to the player.
- FIXED: Single Slingshot: Sling shot currently works with one cling rope (theres nothing in the code to prevent it, its just a possible oversight)
This just works now, I basically recoded all the zippy rope stuff.
- FIXED: Zippy Rope Snapping: Player and object snapping to zippy ropes is broken at certain angles.
- FIXED: Zippy rope gravity glitch: By all appearances if you grab and hold an object onto a zippy rope, let it be released and shot off, and the grapple grab it quick enough; the object will not be effected by gravity and will act as if in space.
This is now a "feature" the baby zippyropes are not visible or usable but by "creating" them, it is a way for the player to delete the old ones they no longer want.
- FIXED: Baby Zippies: Unusable and tiny Zippy Ropes can be created by just tappingRight Mouse onto a static surface. This also allows for the creation of Zippy Ropes that a parallel to a given surface normal which are also unusable.
Added new code to disable other scripts to prevent things like groundpounding and climbing when flying.
- FIXED: Flying abilities: When flying ground pound and climbing still act as normal which cause the player to either be sent to hell or get spidermanned to a wall.
- FIXED: Grapple ropes would not update to moving objects
Updates to come soon!
Updated | 14 hours ago |
Status | In development |
Category | Assets |
Author | Trajan W Hickman |
Genre | Adventure, Shooter |
Made with | Unity |
Tags | 3D, Controller, First-Person, Horror, Parkour, Singleplayer, Third Person |
Average session | A few minutes |
Inputs | Keyboard, Mouse |
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